Quotient Inc. is pleased to announce the award of a contract with the General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service (GSA/FSS) to perform usability testing on the Solicitation Writing System (SWS). Quotient’s Usability/Accessibility experts will conduct a review of the user interfaces and make recommendations for improvements to the SWS. The goal of the task is to create a user interface which captures all data necessary for a solicitation and creates a satisfying, efficient, and effective online user experience. Among the analyses and functions to be performed under this task are system flow and navigation, usability analysis & testing, analysis of business processes and integration into applications, and 508 compliance.
The Federal Supply Service (FSS) is one of the four major components of the General Services Administration (GSA). Congress enacted the Federal Property and Administrative Act in 1949 establishing GSA's Federal Supply Service as a central organization to provide an economic and efficient system for the procurement, supply and disposal of surplus property and performance related functions. With a projected business volume of close to $50 Billion for FY05, FSS offers 8 Million services and products, more than any commercial enterprise in the world.