Quotient Inc. is pleased to announce the award of a base year contract plus five option years from the US Census Bureau for website management. Quotient will support the Internet data dissemination and collection activities of design, development, and implementation of web sites including www.census.gov and web applications. Quotient will support the development staff’s web application programming needs to include code review and optimization, as well as maintenance, upgrade, patching and configuration of software used for general web site support and production. Quotient will also support the implementation of polices and procedures pertaining to basic web design and style as well as provide technical and administrative guidance to Census Bureau managers.
The U. S. Census Bureau is the primary source of basic statistics about the population and economy of the Nation. These statistics assist the Congress, the executive branch of the Federal Government, state and local governments, the general public, and the private sector in the development and evaluation of social and economic activities. The U.S. Census Bureau's major programs are the periodic censuses, current surveys, and a wide range of reimbursable work for other agencies.