The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has an annual tradition of honoring the people and programs that make NLM a wonderful and meaningful place to work and serve the American people. This event recognizes colleagues who contributed solutions to tough problems, served the public or the Library in an exemplary way, and collaborated with others to further the NLM mission. On December 13, 2016 at the Kirschstein Auditorium on the campus of the National Institutes of Health, the following Quotient Team members were recognized for their contributions:
Group Award: Facilities Management Staff who went above and beyond to ensure that the Data Center functioned at full capacity and with excellent customer service during the blizzard of 2016.
Quotient Team Member: Jason Agyeman
Group Award: Superior performance in creating and implementing a modern automated software development, testing and collaboration system in support of application development teams.
Quotient Team Member: Ravikumar Sesetty
Group Award: Managing the NLM defense of the DOCLINE System from a Brute Force Hacker Attack.
Quotient Team Member: Joseph Schechter
Group Award: Contributions toward improvements to the NLM Main website.
Quotient Team Member: Rochelle Robinson
Group Award: Enhancement to MedlinePlus for the delivery, management, and display of information based on customer feedback and analytics
Quotient Team Member: Kyle Goodwill
FDA Leveraging & Collaboration Award: Exceptional and innovative collaboration between the FDA and NLM in launch of AccessGUDID
Quotient Team Members: Chandra Kola, Joseph Schechter, Joshua Temple